Information & fishing rules 2025

Account & information

Because we handle your payments, you must create an account to be able to book and report catches. Update your information so that we can get hold of you if something goes wrong.

Booking & payment

To fish on the special routes and rent a boat, you must book and pay directly here at - We use Payson as a secure payment portal

Catch reporting

Under the heading Fishing, you report your catches and see what others have caught. Catch reporting helps us in our fisheries conservation work!

At we handle your bookings, payments and catch reporting. To be able to separate our guests, you need an account. We can use your account to manage your bookings & payments. When you report catches, you have the opportunity to store map positions that only you can see and we know that it is you and no other Mr Smith who has reported.
0 When you get to, just click on 'New account' in the menu bar. You only need to enter your name, email, desired password and country to create an account. Once you have filled in the information, click on 'Create account' and an email will be sent to the address you have entered. Click on the link in the email to activate your account. Now you're up and running.
There are a number of different companies in Ammarnäs and Kraddsele that provide you with service. In addition to our retailers listed on the front page, holiday villages and other businesses can provide you with information on the current situation. For questions about special stretches and boats, you should always contact one of our dealers who has the greatest knowledge of fishing and current conditions.
On the login page, you can click on the link 'Forgot your password?'. Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Click on the link in the letter and then choose a new password for your account.
(Alternative menu option: My Account - Password Reset)
When you book a stretch or boat, your booking is placed in the shopping cart at the top right of the page. When you have made all your bookings, go to the checkout. Check that your bookings have been correct, select the retailer and then click on the pay button. You will now be transferred to Payson, which is a completely secure payment portal, where you can pay for your bookings with Visa/Mastercard or make a direct payment from one of the major Swedish banks. When the payment is complete, you will be moved back to where you can see your paid bookings under 'My account'.
When you book a special route or boat, you pick up your cards at the retailer you chose when you made the payment. The dealer gives you your fishing licenses and information about the exact waters you are going to fish in. You can thus not print your fishing licenses yourself on, but if you do not want paper licenses, the dealer can send electronic cards to your e-mail address.
When you book at, your bookings are placed in the shopping cart. Then you have until midnight the next day to pay. If you do not pay, the bookings will be deleted again and posted for everyone to book. If you book close to a fishing day, you must pay for your bookings immediately. Information about this is clearly visible on the screen and in the shopping cart.
The prices for the various stretches and boats in 2025 are as follows:
Sjöforsen 1200 SEK per person or 4800 SEK for a group (max 6 fisherman)
Båt Ottosmoraselet 300 SEK per day
Ammarnäs Nedre 450 SEK per fisherman and day
Ammarnäs Allmänna 1 day 240 SEK, 3 days 450 SEK, 7 days 800 SEK, Season ticket 1300 SEK, Family member 300 SEK per person
Ammarnäs Pimpelkort 1 day 120 SEK, 3 days 225 SEK, 7 days 400 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Ammarnäs Ortsbo 100 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Ammarnäs Fiskerättsägare/Årskort 30 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Each area/stretch has its own calendar where you can see which days are free and busy. Click on the day you want to book to get to the booking detail. Green indicates that there are no bookings on the current day. Yellow shows that there are bookings but cards left on the day. Red indicates that the day is fully booked.
When you have clicked on a day, you will come to the booking page. Click on the number of cards you want to buy on the current day. Your booking is now added to the shopping cart and you are moved back to the calendar where you can book more days. Do not forget that you have to pay for your cards so that the bookings are not canceled and become available for anyone to book.
When you go to the Checkout, you will see all your bookings. You can cancel bookings that you do not want, see the last payment date or time and start the actual payment. If you have booked a card at both Ammarnäs and Kraddsele, you will have to pay twice as the money will go to different FCA, fisheries conservation areas. Once you have made the first payment, you will return to the Checkout where you can pay the remaining bookings.
When you book at, your bookings are placed in the shopping cart. Then you have until midnight the next day to pay. If you do not pay, the bookings will be deleted again and posted for everyone to book. If you book close to a fishing day, you must pay for your bookings immediately. Information about this is clearly visible on the screen and in the shopping cart.
Four tickets are sold to Sjöforsen per day and it is the person who books first who also has access to the boat. If you book the entire route, you can be a group that fishes, but there can never be more than six people fishing at the same time.
It is possible to pre-book eight (8) cards at Ammarnäs Nedre per day. Two (2) extra cards are released at midnight the day before fishing here on so you have the opportunity to fish even if one day is fully booked early in the year. Each fisherman can book a maximum of four (4) cards per day.
Not available 2024
You can move a booking on a route to another day provided there are free days. It is only possible to change the day within the same stretch/boat and you must do so no later than two days before your fishing. If it is a stretch without a boat (or just a boat), the fishing is simply moved. If, for example, you have booked two days in Sjöforsen by boat and move this booking to a day where there is already a booking, you will lose the right to the boat. In the same way, you can move your bookings to an unbooked day and instead get the right to the boat. It is only possible to move the entire booking with all cards at once. My pages - Move booking
The prices for the various stretches and boats in 2025 are as follows:
Sjöforsen 1200 SEK per person or 4800 SEK for a group (max 6 fisherman)
Båt Ottosmoraselet 300 SEK per day
Ammarnäs Nedre 450 SEK per fisherman and day
Ammarnäs Allmänna 1 day 240 SEK, 3 days 450 SEK, 7 days 800 SEK, Season ticket 1300 SEK, Family member 300 SEK per person
Ammarnäs Pimpelkort 1 day 120 SEK, 3 days 225 SEK, 7 days 400 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Ammarnäs Ortsbo 100 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Ammarnäs Fiskerättsägare/Årskort 30 SEK (Sold only at Ammarnäs Guidecenter)
Here you can see your bookings. Both the fishing days ahead of you and the history of your previous bookings. Feel free to print out the page with your bookings and take the note with you to your dealer, who will then find it easier to hand over your bookings. There is more information about your bookings that is displayed when you visit the page.
Under 'Made purchases at Payson' you can see the actual payments you have made at Payson (one payment can contain several bookings). It is also possible to print receipts of your purchases.
Here you can see a little different personal information about you and your account. Feel free to fill in your complete address information so that it will be easier for us to get in touch with you if something goes wrong with your bookings or payment. It is also possible to block your account for mailing if you do not want us to send out information to you about fishing in Ammarnäs and Kraddsele.
Enter your email address and we will send you a link to reset your password. Click on the link in the letter and then choose a new password for your account.
When you get to, just click on 'New account' in the menu bar. You only need to enter your name, email, desired password and country to create an account. Once you have filled in the information, click on 'Create account' and an email will be sent to the address you have entered. Click on the link in the email to activate your account. Now you're up and running.
If you want to log in faster, you can request to have a link sent to your email address. The link takes you directly to the page to log in and your e-mail address is filled in in advance. You can also complete the link with your password at the end if you wish. Then save the link as a bookmark in your browser.
Here you can find a few different information sheets about fishing in Ammarnäs and Kraddsele, the current fishing rules and sometimes information about special events held in the area. has three different pins that we send out to the guests who catch big fish. Golden grayling is awarded for grayling that are 55cm or longer. Silver trout applies to fish of 75-79 cm and Gold trout is awarded for trout that are at least 80 cm.

To get a pin, you must report your fish with a picture before September 20th. You must also update your account with a valid post address. If the requirements are not met, there will also be no pin. The rules are strict but fair, no exceptions are made.

With the report and address in place, one or more pins will arrive in your postbox at the turn of the month September-October. covers all costs so you just need to sit back and take it easy.

Our pins are of high quality with soft enamel and protective epoxy as well as a Tie Tac mount that does not come loose. You should be able to wear your pins on the fishing vest without being afraid that they will get lost or destroyed.

Guldharr         Silveröring         Guldöring

You can catch report on in peace and quiet after your fishing. If you enter the map position on your report, you can see where you caught your fish later. Only you can see the map position, so you do not have to worry about revealing your special places. See also under 'Mobile reporting' further down this page.
Here you can see all the reports that have been received. You can select different criteria or search the database freely.
Under 'My catch reports' you see the fish you have reported and you can also upload a picture, change the map position or write a comment afterwards. If you need to change other things in your catch report, you can contact the respective fisheries conservation area.
Here we concentrate on Ammarnäsöringen, but you can also choose a water to see statistics on other species. Feel free to print out the page with estimated weights. The weights are adapted to the size of the fish in our area and give quite good weights according to the length. Do not lift the fish out of the water if you can avoid it!
We have a mobile site that is specially adapted for mobile phones so that you can report directly out at the riverbank. Click on the button and a personal link will be sent to your e-mail. When you then open the page in your phone, your name is already filled in. Feel free to save the page as an icon on your home screen so it is even faster to report.
Vindelån, Tjulån, Vindelälven downstream Sjöforsen and lake Gautsträsk
- Vindelälven (= downstream of Sjöforsen) Aug 15th to 25th, the card is only valid from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
- Tandem flies are not allowed for trout fishing
- Fishing is prohibited 1st May to 31st May
- Fishing for trout is not allowed after 14th September
- Total catch & release on trout (see next line)
- Only one trout a day is aloud in Vindelån
- The baglimit are two fishes per day and person
- Only one fly or one lure (three flies on casting bubble)
- Two flies are aloud when fishing for grayling
- Tungsten bullet: one bullet / maximum 4mm
- Leader length: Max 15' / 460cm
- Minimum size for grayling is 14"/35cm, trout 16"/40cm
- Barbless hooks are recommended
- All fly fishing stretches are C&R only
- Within the area, there is a prohibition on fishing with live bait such as worms, maggots, shrimp, or imitations of live bait like powerbait. This also applies to nymphs of the 'worm' type.
- No own boat, bellyboat or similar are aloud in current waters and lake Gautsträsk
- The term Vindelån means Vindelälven upstreams lake Gautsträsk
- This licence is NOT valid between the lower border of Sjöforsen down to the lower border of Ovan Järnforsen from 25th August to 31st December
- After 14th Sept. all fishing are prohibited in Vindelälven
- You are aloud to fish from land in lake Gautsträsk
- This card only applies in combination with a valid ID
- The fishing permit must at request be shown to supervisor
- Rotary fishing applies to all white waters

Kraddselet Vuornaselet's fly fishing stretch in Vindelån
Contact Emils Fiskecamping
- Only fishing with one fly
- Tandem flies are not allowed for trout fishing
- Fishing is allowed between 8am to 2am the next day
- After 1st September fishing is allowed 6am to 12pm
- Limited fishing licence
- The fishing licence is personal and may not be transferred
- Only Fly Fishing
- Only barbless hooks when fishing for grayling
- Catch & Release on trout and grayling
- Tungsten bullet: one bullet / maximum 4 mm
- Leader length: Max 15' / 460 cm
- Powerbait etcetera are forbidden in fly boxes
- Within the area, there is a prohibition on fishing with live bait such as worms, maggots, shrimp, or imitations of live bait like powerbait. This also applies to nymphs of the 'worm' type.
- No own boat, bellyboat or similar is allowed
- The boat is included for the person who booked first
- Life jackets are available at the boat and should be used
- This card only applies in combination with a valid ID
- The fishing permit must at request be shown to supervisor
- This licence is valid between the lower border of Sjöforsen down to the lower border of Ovan Järnforsen, on both sides of the river, during the period 15th August to 14th September. This licence is also valid where the 'Ammarnäs Allmänna' are allowed, by its regulation
- On Ammarnär Nedre, the same rules apply as for Ammarnäs Allmänna, which you can read about above
- This card only applies in combination with a valid ID
- The fishing permit must at request be shown to supervisor
Contact Emils Fiskecamping
Contact Emils Fiskecamping
- No own boat, bellyboat or similar may be used within Ammarnäs FVO and Kraddsele SFF with the exception of pike fishing areas
- Life jackets are available at the boats and should be used
- There is a total fishing ban from the boats in flowing water and in Gautsträsk where you can only fish from land
- The boat at Sjöforsen is included in the price for the person who booked first
- The boat card only applies in combination with a valid ID
- The boat permit must at request be shown to supervisor
The fine for fishing during the prohibition period is 5000 SEK.
The fine for non-release of Ammarnäs trout and grayling/trout in catch-and-release areas is 5000 SEK. This also applies to injured/dead fish, which must be immediately reported to a representative of the fishing rights holder, who will then decide what should be done with the catch. The telephone number for the fishing warden within Ammarnäs FCA is +46 (0)72-193 38 08.
The fine for not carrying a valid fishing permit while fishing is 1000 SEK. A paid but uncollected fishing permit results in immediate termination of fishing. If you have a booking list it serves as a fishing permit.
The fine for not reporting Ammarnäs trout within two (2) days after the catch is 2000 SEK.
In addition to the above points, Ammarnäs FVO applies penalty fees of 1000-5000 SEK where fishermen break other rules decided at the latest yearly meeting, provided that the violation does not violate current fishing legislation.

The penalty fee is issued directly by the fishing inspector. If payment is not made, the matter will be referred to the bailiff for collection.

Our inspectors ensure that established fishing rules are followed while acting as fishing hosts within the FCA. In the event of any violations of the FCA's own regulations/rules, a penalty fee (Law 1981:533 on fishing conservation areas) may be charged. Violations of other rules may result in a police report.

Please note that as a fisherman, you always have a duty to know which regulations apply generally and locally!

Everyone is required to present a valid fishing license and valid ID to the inspectors during checks.
Fishermen who repeatedly fail to comply with the current regulations may be suspended, and fishing permits can be revoked. Suspension is in effect until the next regular yearly meeting. Longer suspensions are to be decided by the regular yearly meeting.
In extreme conditions, the FCA can temporarily close all fishing or certain fishing in the river for everyone. In the event of a possible cancellation of the fishing, no refund will be made of valid fishing licenses that have already been sold.
Sport fishing is now approved for 'Friskvårdsbidrag'. You need to live in Sweden and have a swedish employer that gives the personnel friskvårdsbidrag.
All our fishing permits contain the information required by the Swedish Tax Agency for your employer to be able to make deductions.
For larger sums, the Swedish Tax Agency requires that your Swedish Social Security Number (SSN) is included. You arrange this by creating a personal account here at Once you have created the account, login and go to 'My pages - Change my information', enter your social security number and click on 'Save changes'
Save all receipts from Payson and/or the reseller. Leave receipts together with your fishing permits to your employer.


Sometimes things happen in life that you do not really have control over and we fully understand that. Here you can see the reasons we accept for refunding the money for your bookings. Upon request, you must be able to prove your impediment with a certificate from e.g. doctor, authority or insurance company.

  • Death, illness or accident of a serious nature that has affected yourself, your family or a fellow traveler.

  • Conscription to the armed forces or civil defense.

  • Your employer has moved your holiday.

  • Should any other serious incident occur outside your control, please contact us.