
Last updated: 17 Feb 2025 04:31

Measurement date and trend on water levels
Tjulån, inactive | Sjöforsen, inactive |

Water level

Water temperature

Air temperature, now and last 24 hours
   At 4:30 it was -7,7°C / 18.1°F at Ammarnäs Cell Tower
   Min -11.9°C / 10.6°F and max -1.7°C / 28.9°F last 24h

Air temperature the last 4 weeks (Min-Med-Max)
If there is a big difference between maximum and minimum temperature, it was probably high pressure with falling water and vice versa

Dagens tider
Solens upp- & nedgång: 07:48 - 16:28
Gryning & skymning: 06:54 - 17:22
Solen är idag i zenit: 12:08


Tjulån upstream of the road bridge   The Swedish Transport Administration's road camera

Tjulån downstream of the road bridge   View from the store

Big trout 2025 Catch report >> | Statistics >>

Approved pins 2025 More info

News >>

Jan 06 2025: Problem with a server
We apologise for being offline for a few days due to a server crash. All bookings made prior to the crash should now be restored. The payment system is currently not operational but is expected to be up and running later this week.

Aug 26 2024: Vindelälven and Ammarnäs Nedre
Starting today, Ammarnäs Allmänna in the Vindel River from Gourdisbäcken to Ovan Järnforsen is no longer valid. Therefore, only Ammarnäs Nedre is permitted, with a maximum of ten anglers per day allowed in this part of the Vindel River.

Jun 08 2024: Regarding Payment for Bookings
We are still experiencing some difficulty with our payment system. Therefore, we now offer guests the option to submit payment on site at Emils Fiskekamp in Kraddelse, Ammarnäs Wärdshus or Guide Center in Ammarnäs. Your reservations will not be canceled due to non-payment. We apologize for any inconvenience, Kraddelse and Ammarnäs